Heart-Heal is formulated to support healing from any type of loss, grief, and heartbreak.
💜 Lavender and 💚 rosemary oils soothe, nurture, comfort and heal. Rosemary has long been used as a remembrance symbol…”I remember…” and has even been known to help literal memory. But here, we keep our hearts open and honor the memory and all ways we were touched, moved, and changed.
- Heart-Heal flower essence blend (1 oz.)
- Heart-Heal aromatherapy flower essence blend (10 ml)
- Calm, soothing, emotional freedom and keeping heart open
- Uplift and renewal of the heart with courage, heart balm for grief
- Release of grief or emotional pain which are stuck in body
- Release of relationship or situation (job loss, moving) which has ended
- Release of pet or person due to death/transition in order to make room for receiving the relationship in a new, non-physical, spiritual way
- Ability to forge spiritual link with loved one who has passed to hold consciousness of another who lives beyond earthly realm; deep mindfulness of subtle realms; soul-based relationships
- Acceptance of pain and emptiness of loss; Essential awareness that releases what is extraneous, receptive “emptiness” capable of transformation and change
- Direct and clear communication of deep feelings, especially anger or disappointment, integration of emotions
- Transcendent consciousness, the ability to move beyond personal pain, suffering or mental anguish
Ideal For
...those experiencing at least one of the following:
- Any kind of loss, grief, heartbreak
- Loneliness and isolation due to death of a loved one
- Intensification of pain and suffering due to isolation; profound melancholia or despair due to one's pain
- Heavy-heartedness or grief, lack of confidence in facing difficult circumstances; depressive behavior-melancholia/anguish profound pain especially when suffering alone or feeling cut off
- Paralysis and inability to sort through and release things left behind by loved one; feeling mental and emotional “clutter”
- Fear or repression of intense feelings; inability to act upon issues of anger and powerlessness; need to be seen as “nice” rather than “real”
- Shock or trauma, either recent or from a past experience; need for healing and comfort from the spiritual world
for flower essence blend: Spring water, brandy (preservative), organic and biodynamic flower essences of bleeding heart, borage, forget me not, love lies bleeding, sagebrush, scarlet monkeyflower, star of bethlehem
for aromatherapy flower essence blend: Organic oils of jojoba, lavender, rosemary; grain alcohol (preservative), organic biodynamic flower essences of bleeding heart, borage, forget me not, love lies bleeding, sagebrush, scarlet monkeyflower, star of bethlehem